Need childcare?

Apply now or reserve your Childs spot today and get up to $99 off your first month of care!


Orange County Daycare
organic meals | large play areas | daily fee
open 24/7 | FT:$250 wk | PT:200 wk | D: $80

  • Pickups & drop offs

    Pickups & drop offs upgrade available.

  • Organic food & Snacks

    We believe children are entitled to organic fresh foods and superior access to health care so we provide all foods and snacks 24/7. We also have pediatrician and vision appointments available in the comfort of our center.

  • Large Play Areas & Learning

    Montessori Inspired, Developmental Play-based,

    Reading & Writing & Arithmetic

Our annual Registration is $125


Daily Rate: $80

Pick ups/drop offs: $25-$99 a week
Part-Time (3 Days a week) - $200 a week
Full-Time (5 days a week) $250 a week

Deposit is due to reserve your Childs spot.
Don’t worry you pay this once and never again.

The only thing we need now is a couple of changes of clothes for your little one.
We plan to accept subsidies in the future! Inquire within!